Thursday, March 15, 2012

40 B4 40

I feel that its always important to be working towards bettering yourself and feeling like you are accomplishing something in your life. While having yearly goals is very important there are somethings that just don't fit into that category and require more time or thought.

I had a list of 30b430 goals before (on my previous blog) but I definitely pushed beyond what I was capable of completing in such a small time frame and in the end it made me feel more like a failure than anything else. Even though my 30th birthday is not until October and I did make some progress I've decided to scrap that project and focus on 40 personal goals before I turn 40. I have a feeling my 30's are going to be awesomesauce and this list is going to help me out in that area.

So now I need to think hard about what sort of things I want to accomplish in the next 10+ years. I like a good mix of fun, self improvement and helping those around me. It will probably take me a few days to think this out.

Anyone out there have any suggestions?

What is one goal you really want to reach?

1 comment:

  1. Honestly my biggest goal was going to portugal. And I'm doing that this summer!! So now, I dunno lol....


Thanks for commenting! Each one feels like a beautifully wrapped gift under the Christmas tree.