Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Results Are In!!!

Last Thursday I visited the bank to do a credit card application. I decided that my best bet was to go right into the bank and deal with somebody one on one. If you followed me at my old blog you would know that a few years ago I was $18000 in debt and that I had pretty much ruined my credit. Any major dings I felt had been about 6 years ago but having applied for a credit card 2 years ago and being denied I was pretty deflated.

I really want to improve my credit as BF and I want to buy a house in the next 1-2 years. Since I want to be fully involved and not hold us back in anyway its time I get my financial house in order. It was so set in my mind that I would not qualify that I had considered just putting down a deposit on a secured credit card and being done with it. Then a little voice in my head said what's the harm in trying. So last Wednesday morning I called and made an appointment for the very next day. I decided I had put it off for too long.

The financial adviser that I got was sooooo awesome. She is approximately my age and went through the same thing with her husband just a few years ago. She helped him improve his credit in one year and then they bought a home together. She made me feel really good and told me to stop being so hard on myself and that I needed to realize I'm not alone out there.

She was supposed to call me tomorrow but I couldn't wait. I decided to call her to let her know she could leave a msg here since I'll be working during the day tomorrow but she said she looked right then and it appeared it was approved. I told her that I couldn't scream for joy until this was confirmed. So we hung up and she called me within 2 minutes congratulating me. Best feeling ever!

We have another appointment Friday to go over some other things and to help me get everything in order. I feel so lucky to have been assigned her and think I should write a letter to CIBC about how wonderful she was. Even if I hadn't been approved and had to put a $500 deposit down I would still be happy with her service. Banks need more people like her! The card has a $500 limit and has a high interest rate but when all goes well in 6 months I can upgrade to any card I like. This is perfect for getting me started. Next I will apply to see my credit information with Equifax. Hope that goes well to!



Thanks for commenting! Each one feels like a beautifully wrapped gift under the Christmas tree.