Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Operation : Prepare to Move

Well I've basically made the decision that I'm moving. There is tiny little 1% of me that feels hesitant but I'm assuming this is normal. BF and I viewed two apartments when I was visiting Quebec and have decided on one that we are going to rent. This means I'll be moving across Canada this summer. Quite a big commitment and challenge for me but I've decided to run with it.

I realize that its going to be a struggle with the language barrier but its something I know I can overcome. The first step is to sign up for a free online Rosetta Stone French class. I've also been looking at French picture dictionaries and carrying around a pocket sized phrase book. Once I move I know I will be surrounded by French speaking people so I need to start now. 

I would really like to be able to bring in some income from home for the first few months as I adjust to my new surroundings. I've been digging through my craft room to come up some ideas. I used to design jewelry, design little trinkets and do rice inscriptions. I used to make a few good bucks off it so its something I'm interested in starting up again. 

Last night my uncle helped me set my ancient Viking sewing machine. Everything looked in working condition still and he said he would make sure it was in top notch order before I move. Right now I'm just trying to remember how use all the settings and sew in a straight line. Its a little frustrating at times but everyone has got to start somewhere. I know once I get back into things I'll soon be loving it again.

I've also considered doing some childminding on the side or taking calls from home. Does anyone have any other suggestions? 


  1. I have to tell you, you are very brave. I honestly don't know if I could just up and leave my job /friends/family here and move across country to be with a boy. LOL You're taking a huge leap and I hope it all works out wonderfully for you! Good for you :)

  2. Well this has been many years coming. I have been with BF for about 7 years and traveled across the world with him. There are many reasons why I decided to go with it. Thanks for your support ;)


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