Today I logged on to talk to BF online via video chat. He told me he had a great idea! Screw all the calculating the cheapest way to move our things. Just sell everything, pack two check ins each and pay extra to fly with our two kittens.
WTF!!! I had no idea that I was so attached to my things! Just him suggesting it made me break into tears. I have slowly adjusting to selling almost all of my furniture except a few select pieces and parting with a lot of things. To sell everything is just plain not okay with me.
There is my book collection that I love and have slowly acquired and refined over time. My crafting stuff that has run me a pretty penny and could also turn out a few bucks once I move. My keepsakes such as handmade items from my grandparents, yearbooks and such. My select few home decor items. Last but not least my every day items and clothing. Certain kitchen items. I told BF I could possibly get down to 20 boxes.
After taking a good look around I could bear to part with quite a lot but not enough to avoid trying to move some things beyond airplane check in. BF and I are researching other options including making sure our Pathfinder is up to snuff and buying a cheap trailer or towable camper.
So I have a few questions for you....
1) Could you sell everything at a seconds notice and just pack a few suitcases?
2) What item(s) would you not be able to part with?
3) Any affordable ideas on moving my lovely things?
I definitely would not be able to just sell everything. I couldn't sell all my books either! lol. I mean I could leave everything but I would definitely have to rent a storage unit because I couldn't literally just sell it all