Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back into the Swing of Things

So the last week I've been trying to get myself motivated to get back into my crafting. I've come up with a few earring designs, bought all the items I need to do my rice key chains and decided to go forth with a few other things I've been interested in.
Next week I'll need to do some more investigating and will need to purchase some items off the Internet to get me started on the new ventures. I'll post more about these when I get my comfortable with these.
I forgot how relaxing it is to create things. It really calms me down. Also BF has been giving me input about my designs which is new and I definitely appreciate his feedback. I like that he is taking an interest and supporting me in this.
If I get enough done in the next 5 days there is a vendors auction I can do on FB but I'm not sure I want to push myself for that. I know another girl who runs auctions quite frequently but I'd prefer to do one with the first person. Its all about exposure but I don't think I'm ready for that.
You will probably see a lot of posts coming up to do with starting a small business from home. When I feel more confident I'll post some pics of what I am working on :)


  1. I am so excited for this new venture and to see what you create :) I have a soft spot for jewellery so hoping you have something that catches my eye :)

  2. I can't wait to see as well! Don't leave us in suspense!

  3. Patience young grasshoppers :) I will reveal something soon


Thanks for commenting! Each one feels like a beautifully wrapped gift under the Christmas tree.