Friday, August 17, 2012

Couch Update

Well we've moving along slowly on the couch scene. It's taking a long time but I think we're actually getting somewhere. We're not going to relax though until its replaced.

The sectional comes in two pieces and its just the one piece that is damaged. It took a week for customer service to call us back, the next week (this one) a man came to inspect the damage and now next week we are supposed to get a replacement.

Why so long? Ugh! I guess I should count my blessings because according to reviews online people don't usually get this far sadly. I will be sure to keep you updated with what is going on.

Believe me.. before we leave the store this time we will be opening the packaging and inspecting the couch very thoroughly. ;)

I think in this case it pays to hound the company repeatedly if you want results.

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