Friday, September 21, 2012

FUN Updates

So I have two very happy things to report!!!

1) I have reached my savings goal for September!!!! I have saved $900 this month already. Hoping to surpass my goal but seeing as BF and I made a HUGE purchase a week ago (more on this later) I don't know how far that can go. The last $100 will be from my automated savings plan at the end of the month. I will update you all on the actual numbers of each savings account at the end of the month. Woohoo!!

2) I got a letter in the mail today saying I've been a very good girl and have been offered a credit increase on my credit card. It seems like 6 months has just flown by since I originally got the card. It was a huge accomplishment for me. It meant I was on my way to improving my credit which is so crucial when we want to buy a house. Now that I've reached this step I am very proud of myself. I have definitely learned from the mistakes of my past. This is a great feeling just before my 30th birthday in a months time.

I am a bit weary of such a huge increase so I'm going to think about it. I have 3 weeks to accept. I would prefer a card that has some rewards like airplane miles or something because I now have to travel across Canada a few times a year. My Aunt has one that she thinks is great so I'm going to ask her. I wonder if I get the increase if I can also change cards? I am a total newb when it comes to this stuff. I guess I'll have to call the bank on Monday.

So that's my big update. Feeling pretty good right now about my financial accomplishments lately. Dreams of a home are dancing in my head :)

Tell me something that you feel really good about accomplishing lately.


  1. Congrats!!!
    We just finished up a raffle to raise money for Team McAwesome. That was fairly successful :)

    And I feel like I could guess what your big purchase was based on your post from last Friday...

  2. Yay! Congrats on meeting your goal.

    As for your limit, I wasn't aware of any time limit... In fact, sometimes they added it without me even asking. Other times, I've said no and then a few months later, I called when I needed it and they said OK and added it instantly. Usually, you can't get an additional limit if you change cards. You might just be offered at whatever level immediately depending on your income status and your standing. This is also dependent on who you're with.

    I currently use CIBC Dividend Mastercard (not to be confused with Visa which sucks) because I get a full 1% cashback end of the year applied to my credit card bills. I love it because it's cash and not points.

  3. Congratulations on reaching your Savings goal! I bet it feels great right now.

  4. Laura - Congrats on your raffle!!

    AP - It says I have until Oct 14th. I thought that was weird too. I think I'll take it and worry about changing the card later when I have more time to research. Thank you for your input. I'm also with the evil CIBC for my credit card.

    Lena - Thank you! It does feel good :)


Thanks for commenting! Each one feels like a beautifully wrapped gift under the Christmas tree.