Friday, September 7, 2012


I love Fridays because it means that BF is going to be off work for two days. Woohoo. Love weekends with my hunny! Usually he gets home early on Fridays but it seems he is staying late to get stuff done because of the long weekend last week.

This weekend we have to do a bit of shopping. There are some great deals at Zellers on mattress covers and sheets. Since I need those things and have some returns to do there it's perfect. I also went through all the grocery store flyers and matched up sale items with coupons I have.

I don't want to do too much in the way of shopping because next weekend we have a day trip planned to Montreal because that is the only place we can buy the brand of food I prefer to feed my boys. I also want to do an IKEA run so this is perfect. I want to buy a matching lamp for our bedroom, some cute kiddies cups for when our nephews are over, pick up a new catalogue for 2013 (weird its almost a new year) and of course do some perusing of the store. *big evil grin* It would be nice to get something fun in there too. Not sure what though. I will have to look up fun activities during the week and pick out something for the two of us.

We might take a look at some TV's tomorrow as that is on our list as our next big purchase. Right now we are watching movies on a 13" TV from when BF was in University. Pair that with widescreen movies and the fact that its located across the living room from the couch. Not really optimal is it? Since we spend a lot of time watching movies and its one our favorite activities together I think its time to upgrade. We've never bought a new TV before so we are making sure to do our research.

Besides that I'm hoping to get in a lot of down time with BF. I foresee a lot of snuggles and lounging together :)

What are your weekend plans?


  1. Our Zellers stores are gone... Turning into a Target soon. Hope you find some good deals! Have fun tv shopping!!

  2. My Zellers is still here although I doubt for long. I believe it's on the list to be converted soon. I'm hoping to snag some deals. Hope you got some good finds at Zellers and Ikea.

    I spent yesterday chilling with my friends. Today it's blogging and laundry. Have a happy weekend!


Thanks for commenting! Each one feels like a beautifully wrapped gift under the Christmas tree.