Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuned In Tuesday

This week I'm featuring a song close to my heart. As a little girl I just loved the movie "My Girl". There is a scene where Vada picks up her class photo gazing at the photo of her teacher flopping onto the bed singing this song.

Heehee. Anyone else remember this scene? Pure awesomesauce! Poor Macaulay!

Anyhoo, later on in life I heard my Granny saying how she always loved this song and how it was special to her. My Grandpa's name was William so it was very sentimental. I thought it was adorable and made me love the song even more.



  1. I loved that movie too..soo sweet!!

  2. My Girl is one of those movies that if I come across it on TV, no matter what point in the movie it's at, I still watch it. And I cry...sometimes scenes before the end because I know it's coming. And I am tearing up now thinking about Michael Jay. Le sigh.

  3. I cry too.. every time. Also I just bought dirty dancing and omg... tears galore.


Thanks for commenting! Each one feels like a beautifully wrapped gift under the Christmas tree.