Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Congratulations to BF

A little good news has come our way. Last night BF came home and announced that all his paper work had gone through and he is now a full-fledged Engineer! Woohoo!

I am so proud of him. I could tell by his face that he was feeling really good about his accomplishment and so he should. I know taking a year off to travel while he was a Engineer In Training was a bit stressful for him but in the end it all worked out. I would like to do something special for him but I don't know what yet.

We did talk a bit about how now that he is an Engineer he will need to approach his boss about a raise. BF suggested an amount he thought was suitable. I suggested he ask for more vacation time since we'll want to vist BC in the summer and also have other time away just the two of us. So he said maybe he would ask a little less of a raise and ask for a combo of the two. That made me happy. We both thought it was best to see what the rates are before he makes his proposal to his boss.

This is big news for us. I am very happy that he has completed this major goal in his life.

On a side note. I have been wondering if BF has been reading my blog. Its not hard for him to find since we use the same computer but I guess  I never thought he'd want to. A few weeks ago he said something like "hey I found and am reading your blog". He was grinning at me something fierce so I peeked over his shoulder and noticed it was Asian Pears Blog. Ahaha. Like WTF... if he read any of her posts he would realize its not me. I mean did he see me paint my nails? Did we buy a new BBQ? Any of these things? Boys are weird!!!


  1. Yay! Awesome sauce :) So many more amazing opportunities have just opened up to you two :)

  2. Great for BF! Hope he gets what he asks for!! :)

    As for bf "finding" your blog.... ROTFL!!!

  3. Yay! Congrats to him. He's approved.

    Though... Uhh... o_O; I'm blogging from Toronto. You're not in Toronto are you? o___o? Boys are weird. hahaha. Please tell your boyfriend for me, "Nice try. But no pass go. You do not collect $200. Please try again." :D

  4. first of all tell ur BF congrats!!! and my god, that is hilarious he thought you were AP! LOL clearly he didn't read that much of her blog. So cute. lol

  5. AP - I will pass on that msg for sure. Heehee. We are just outside of Montreal. I remember when he was scrolling down the page there was a big pic of your Canada day nails. I was like.. surely thats something you'd notice lol.

    HK - I know right?!


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